Sunday, June 2, 2024

Valencia Day 14: Montanejos High!

Today we took a day trip to Montenajos Springs. This is a one hour drive north from the beach to the mountains.  The drive alone is worth the trip. Rolling hills of vineyard vines and olive trees. Flowers of all colors line the highway. 

The Spanish equivalent of John Denver (whoever that is) likely sang a song about this place. 

One our way, we passed through a small town of Cuadiel I’m struck by the fact that it has everything it needs including a downtown area with a market, pharmacy, parks, churches, etc. Being from a small town, I was happy to see one here that seemed to be thriving. 

Our first activity was a 5 mile loop hike. The trails are lined with rosemary which grows like a weed here. Likely the reason Spaniards often use it in their paella. We come across apricot trees and snap pea trees as well. Remnants of a forest fire limit some of our views but we are not to be deterred! Overall I’m very impressed at how well the trails are maintained. 

At the top of to the mountain, the forest becomes more dense with trees that look like the pine trees I grew up with. In fact, this place looks a lot like Spearfish Canyon in the Black Hills of South Dakota. For some reason, this makes me feel a little more connected to this place. Like I share something in common with the people who come here to enjoy its beauty. 

Over the hillls…
…and (literally) through the woods….

After the hike, it’s time for a drink which our guide Julio (mentioned in a previous post on M2M) tells me is a tradition. I support this tradition. We talk for an hour about the differences between our two countries and find other ways to connect. A very enjoyable conversation that is a mainstay of Spanish culture. 

Then a 2 pm lunch. Pineapple and chicken salad as a starter followed by a delicious grilled pork shoulder that falls off the bone. Ice cream and coffee for dessert. I’m happy. 😊 

Once our bellies are full we walk a few steps to the Fuentes De Los Banos (Fountains of the Baths). This is a picturesque swimming area that is the kind of place you would find on Instagram. Entry is only 3 Euro.  Filled with minerals, the water is crystal clear with a Caribbean blue tint. And the place is filled with families. All ages are represented, which in my book, is always a good sign.  We swim for an hour and then warm ourselves in the sun for our last hour. My students tell me the UV is an 8 so this is ideal sun time! 🙄 

I mean come on!
Fuente de los banos. 

Today’s lesson for me was not about Spain but about the importance of connecting with my students and colleagues. Too often we (I) focus on the outcomes that lead to promotion and salary increases and less on the human aspect of my work. Leading this class and getting to know these students has been one the most genuine career related experiences I’ve ever had. More of this. 

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Spain Day 18: End of the Road

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